Thursday, October 05, 2006

Gasoline Consumption

After changing my roller with a heavier weight. I started to count my scooter consumption.

Usually I fill my tank every 2 days about 3.2 liter of gasoline. The distant between my home and office is about 37km, so a day would be about 75km.

Now with this new roller, 3 liter gasoline I can use for 2.5 days.

In my country, 1 liter gasoline = Rp.6,050.-

3.305 liter = 150 km
1 liter = 45.375 km

3.305 liter = 187 km
1 liter = 48.4115 km

In 1 Year:
356 days - 52 days (Sunday) = 304 days
Distant = 304 * 75 km
= 22,800 km
Consumption = (22,800 km / 45.375 km) * 1 liter
= 502.479 liter
Money = 502.479 * Rp.6.050,-
= Rp.3,040,000.-

Consumption = (22,800 km / 48.4115 km) * 1 liter
= 407.9625 liter
Money = 407.9625 * Rp.6.050,-
= Rp.2,849,322.99

Consumption = 502.479 liter - 407.9625 liter
= 94.5165 liter
Money = Rp.3,040,000 - Rp.2,849,322.99
= Rp.190,677.01

This is amazing, I can save a fuel just because changing the roller. The point is, I help the planet too because of lower fuel consumption. And I save my money too.

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