Wow this scooter amazing, seeing this scooter can not make my eye's to turn to another type.
First I go to the front look and get the picture of it. I admired of it design, it is very modern scooter design, it aerodynamic. I keep looking and see.

Look at the headlight position, cool isn't it. I like it, because it is just like my scooter right now, very exclusive indeed. Not like other brand that put the headlight at the handle bar.

Let's have a look at the handle bar.

Sorry I can not have a good picture of it, because I can not jump in to have a close look. Take close look of the left handle panel. They has design this machine is soo thorough. Rounded like a playstation stick, hehehe, but you can not play like a playstation. You will get caught by the police. And the speedometer is cool too, like a diamond.
And now the deck.

Hehe, this is Kymco like I know. They had put their brand name and logo everywhere. But this is the first time I know that they put it on the floor deck. The design is nice too, like a batman.
Let's move on to the rear.

Techno 150 GT or Techno GT 150 exactly ? Don't know which is correct??? Heck with it. The rear suspension is using gas suspension, it should be more soft rebound than other type. Damn, I should buy this scooter as soon as possible after I have the money. But wait a second, This machine is still using drum brake. Why they do not put disc brake on the rear? Hem, may be they already calculate it that using drum brake is still safe for the rider. May be I should look back on the front disc, how large is it.

Yeah it is big enough for the front disc, may be it about 220mm on the diameter. This should be enough to stop this machine compared to the wheels diameter. It using 120/70-12 on the front.
The most amazing on this machine is the tail.

This machine using led system on the rear light. Brake and turning light both using led system. This will be the first scooter using full led system on the light. I push the seat, yup, it will be comfort enough riding this machine, not too hard and not too soft. But it is softer than other brand.
I must buy this machine, forget it about GrandDink 250 HID, lets focus on this machine. The marketing team said that this machine will launch on January 2007. I know that this machine will be the favorite among kymco rider. Lets wait and see the future of it.
kymco emang dahsyat ! rajin banget ngeluarin model baru. berapa pricenya nih, ndri ?
Harga resmi belum keluar tok, tapi prediksiku sih sekitar 20jt-an. Yah mudah2an sih CKD biar harga bisa ditekan, kalau kayak Dink150 CBU kemahalan ntar.
ReplyDeletebuset ... 20 juta ? duit semua ? hehehe... mau beli lx aja belum kesampean. huhuhu ....
Lha iya dong, masa daun. Mending beli pake voucher aja ya, hahaha.
ReplyDeleteKalau Dink150 sih dikisaran 27jt. Yah harga dan kualitas bicara tok.
brao ai
ReplyDeletenya new gran dink 125 ga ada yah?
kira kira harganya berpa dink 125...
GD125 sebenarnya ada kalau di Taiwan, tapi sayangnya ngk masuk ke Indonesia. New Dink 125 juga belum masuk tuh ke Indonesia.
ReplyDeleteJadinya tidak tau kisaran harganya. Tapi kalau masuk pun harganya akan mahal, karena udh pakai Liquid Cooled. Harga pasti di atas SR125.
whoaa..keren nih Techno GT 150. Mas bpdp beli kymco yg mana Ndri?
ReplyDeleteInterpiu donk para pengguna baru kymco, kayak bpdp en cimol, trus tampilin disini.
Bpdp belom beli tuh, masih membujuk, pokoknya tak racuni terus hehehe.
ReplyDeleteSepertinya bpdp lebih prefer Free LX. Kalau Techno ngk sanggup duitnya mas
kalo GT 150 18jtan
ReplyDeleteindahnya dunia ini
wah lihat gambarnya kepengen juga tuh, mas andri punya photo TECHNO 150 yang tampak samping ngak?.
Lihat post saya setelah subjek yang ini mas Hendry. Pada bagian awal saya ambil foto dari sudut sedikit ke belakang.
ReplyDeleteKalau foto dari samping, mungkin sebaiknya mas Hendry ambil langsung dari website resminya
Mudah-mudahan ini bisa membantu.