Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stupid Car Driver

This morning, Wednesday, October 26, 2010, I ride my scooter with my beloved wife. I ride earlier because I don't wanna get stuck on the morning traffic jam after last night the road get flooded.

After half way to go, I arrive at the cross intersection. I slowdown my scooter and take the right path, because I want to use the right lane of the street. (Before 10.00 am, the police made a policy that the whole street is one way. So all the vehicle that opposite direction, have to move around.)

After I get to the right lane, suddenly a car that is on the left edge of the lane turn the steering wheel to the right and crossing the road very fast.


He crashed into my scooter and I fell and he stopped.
When I move my scooter, suddenly he went away without leaving a single word.


Is this what they always says that a motorist never obey the traffic rule and they always made the traffic even worse?

I simply dunno know...