Friday, July 24, 2009

Delvac 1 5W-40 vs Fastron 10W-40

May be some of you very curious about this. Why? Because Delvac 1 is Group IV oil and Fastron is Group III. How can I compare 2 different Group oil? Should the answer is clearly that Group IV is far better than Group III?

OK, I don't want to give any conclution yet. So, let's go on to the test comparison. Mobil Delvac 1 is Singapore packaging nor the US. Pertamina Fastron is Indonesian product.

Mobil Delvac 1Pertamina Fastron
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt (ASTM D-445)14.714.13
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt (ASTM D-445)9899.99
Viscosity Index (ASTM D-2270)156144
Flash Point °C (ASTM D-92)249230
Pour Point °C (ASTM D-97)-48-27
Total Base Number, mg KOH/g (ASTM D-2896)10.16.43

Based on the technical data, lets try compare the oil one by one.
  1. Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt (ASTM D-445)
  2. Delvac 1 value is 14.7 and Fastron is 14.13, that mean at 100°C Delvac 1 is thicker than Fastron.

  3. Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt (ASTM D-445)
  4. Delvac 1 value is 98 and Fastron is 99.99, that mean at 40°C Fastron is thicker than Delvac 1.

  5. Viscosity Index (ASTM D-2270)
  6. Delvac 1 values is 156 and fastron is 144, that mean Delvac 1 more strengthen than Fastron to maintain it's viscosity over a wide temperature range.

  7. Flash Point °C (ASTM D-92)
  8. Delvac 1 value is 249 and Fastron is 230, that mean Delvac 1 is starting to vaporizes to create enough gas that become momentary flammable is higher than Fastron.

  9. Pour Point °C (ASTM D-97)
  10. Delvac 1 value is -48 and Fastron is -27, that mean Delvac 1 is still can flow lower than Fastron.

  11. Total Base Number, mg KOH/g (ASTM D-2896)
  12. Delvac 1 value is 10.1 and Fastron is 6.43, that mean Delvac 1 has the ability to neutralize acid far more better than Fastron.

Time to test these two. The method that I use is:
  1. Drain the oil from my scooter until the last drop
  2. Check whether there is still some oil in the crankshaft or not
  3. Fill the brand new oil into the engine about 850mL
  4. Change the air filter with the new one
  5. Start the engine and make sure the engine is hot enough and the idle RPM is flat
  6. Test the oil on regular road condition until 2000km usage at maximum speed 70kmh

Mobil Delvac 1:
  • Torque
  • This is make my scooter torque heavier. I had to prepare more time to accelerate before passing a bus.

  • Engine noise
  • Quiet enough, don't know for sure how much dB is it. 'Cause I don't test it with a proper tool.

  • Torque after 2000km
  • Fell is just as same as the first time I fill the oil into the engine.

  • Engine noise after 2000km
  • Much the same as the first one.

  • Oil color after 2000km
  • Very deep dark brown color

Pertamina Fastron:
  • Torque
  • Better than Delvac 1

  • Engine noise
  • Similar to Delvac 1

  • Torque after 2000km
  • The torque after 2000km is increased, I think that because the oil is starting to degrade to become 30W.

  • Engine noise after 2000km
  • A little noisy on the cylinder head, I can hear the rocker arm sound pressing the valve stem.

  • Oil color after 2000km
  • Deep dark brown color

My country is tropical country that the temperature range about 28-32°C at noon.

My conclution is:
  • Fastron was better on the torque. That make sense, because the cSt of Delvac 1 @ 100°C is thicker than Fastron.

  • Delvac 1 can be use longer than Fastron, indicated by the sound of the valve stem. This is make sense too, because Delvac 1 has higher VI and TBN than Fastron.

- Mobil Delvac 1 5W-40
- Pertamina Fastron 10W-40